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Explore our expert resources to discover the best ways to simplify the complexity of financial aid management.

Regent Award Suite

Regent Award Suite

Explore our integrated, cloud-based, automated financial aid suite.
Regent Plan

Regent Plan

Regent Plan enables students to plan, forecast, and track their financial aid not only for the existing degree year, but also for upcoming ones.
Regent Award for CBE

Regent Award for CBE

Find out how to automate and scale financial aid for CBE.
Regent Award for SF

Regent Award for SF

Learn about the only approved Salesforce application for financial aid.
Regent Fund

Regent Fund

See how to automate the scholarship management lifecycle.
One Platform for All of Your Financial Aid Needs

One Platform for All of Your Financial Aid Needs

A single platform that helps your students - and your institution succeed, by competing for top students and exceeding enrollment goals.
Regent Review

Regent Review

Simplify and shorten the verification process by automating the collection of verification documents. With Regent Review, your institution will become more efficient, shorten processing times, and alleviate frustrations for students, parents, and guardians.
A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting a Financial Aid Management Solution

A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting a Financial Aid Management Solution

This guide will help you navigate the process of selecting a new financial aid management system that delivers all the capabilities you need to help students reach their goals – and to give you peace-of-mind that you’ll remain compliant with regulatory changes
Evaluation Checklist: Selecting a New Financial Aid Management Solution

Evaluation Checklist: Selecting a New Financial Aid Management Solution

This checklist complements Preparing for the Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting a Financial Aid Management Solution by outlining the critical questions you need to ask vendors during your evaluation process, as well as who from the institution should focus on evaluating each criteria.
Enrollment Management + Financial Aid: Partnering to Exceed Enrollment Goals

Enrollment Management + Financial Aid: Partnering to Exceed Enrollment Goals

In this guide, explore ways for enrollment management and financial aid to lock arms in a coordinated effort to recruit top students and exceed enrollment goals.
5 Steps to Rethink Financial Aid for Flexible Enrollment Models

5 Steps to Rethink Financial Aid for Flexible Enrollment Models

Learn how to position your institution for financial aid success with flexible enrollment models.
Institutional Scholarships: 6 Best Practices for Managing & Maximizing Awards

Institutional Scholarships: 6 Best Practices for Managing & Maximizing Awards

Best practices to maximize every available scholarship dollar.
CBE: Offering Flexible Options to Students

CBE: Offering Flexible Options to Students

Explore insights based on survey conducted by C-BEN with higher education professionals.
Enrollment Management & CBE

Enrollment Management & CBE

The guide distills the key lessons and implementation guidance developed by C-BEN and AACRAO during a 5 month process, that included feedback from C-BEN's membership base, a survey of the field, and focus groups.
49 FAFSA Simplification Questions, Asked & Answered

49 FAFSA Simplification Questions, Asked & Answered

You have questions. We have answers. This FAQ document includes our best understanding of current guidance on FAFSA Simplification and related changes.
FAFSA Checklist

FAFSA Checklist

We know that there’s a lot to consider when preparing for the upcoming FAFSA simplification. But the question remains: are you ready? If your answer is “maybe not,” don’t panic. We’re experts in financial aid and we’re here to help. We’ve created a checklist with eight things you can do - today - to help prepare your institution for the new FAFSA.
University of Massachusetts Global Case Study
Case Study

University of Massachusetts Global Case Study

See how University of Massachusetts Global redefined their financial aid system to support non-traditional students. using Regent Education.
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Brigham Young University-Idaho Case Study
Case Study

Brigham Young University-Idaho Case Study

Read how Brigham Young University - Idaho enabled unique academic models, enrollment growth, and new initiatives using Regent Education.
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University of North Texas Case Study
Case Study

University of North Texas Case Study

Discover how University of North Texas simplified the state financial aid process for non-US citizens using Regent Access.
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